A Friendship That Stands the Test of Time
Yetunde, I still vividly remember the first day we met during induction at the University of Lagos. Who knew that years later, you would remain such a consistent and cherished presence in my life? One of my favourite memories was being asked to be your bridesmaid—what an incredible honour that was! And to top it off, I caught the bouquet at your wedding—a moment that will always make me smile.
It’s taken Ayo and me years to reach this point in our journey, and every moment that led us here has been so worth it. We’re grateful for the path we’ve traveled, and we’re especially grateful for friends like you who have been with us along the way.
I’m thrilled that you’re now in the UK—life has a funny way of bringing people back together and making everything fall into place. Thank you for always being there: for your heartfelt messages, for checking in, for recommending Mimi, and for simply showing up. Having you at our wedding means the world to us.
I truly hope the universe gives us more opportunities to reconnect, to deepen our bond, and to create even more beautiful memories together. We love and appreciate you more than words can express.

P.S. Got any photos or videos from #HappyASever? Don’t keep them to yourself! Click [here] to share your snaps of us, you, and all our fabulous guests. We can’t wait to relive the fun! 📸🎉